An Empty Cup Cannot Fill Another.

Do you constantly worry about the needs of others?  Are you so flexible with your schedule that it leaves you with absolutely no free time? Do you constantly feel like you are running from one place to the other with no breaks? Do you skip breakfast because you are too busy to eat?  Are you sacrificing everything for your friends, family, job, education, etc.? If so, it is time to learn what the word "self-care" means.  

Self care is defined as "care for oneself" (Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, n.d.).  That seems simple enough, however, after considering all of the examples above, are you really doing a good job of taking care of yourself?  

Self-care is also defined by what you consider to be important for your own well-being. This can be broken down into basic areas of concern. The following chart is a great representation of some of the various aspects of self-care.  

So after looking through those aspects of self-care, how are you doing?  

Are you truly taking time out of your busy schedule to refresh, replenish, and refill yourself?  Self-care doesn't have to be complex or difficult, it is simply about being aware and remembering that you are just as important as the others that you bend your schedule and needs around. 

Self-care can be something as simple as taking 10 minutes to enjoy your morning cup of coffee/tea/beverage of choice in peace before the chaos of the day ensues.  Taking a hot bath at the end of a long day.  Scheduling time to go out for lunch for a good friend.  Treating yourself to a small gift at the store. Eating a healthy and balanced diet.  Going for a walk through the park. I could go on and on, but hopefully you can see the theme.  Find what you enjoy, what "fills your cup", "refreshes your soul", "replenishes your energy", and do those things daily.  

Just remember....YOU are worth it!


self-care. 2015. In
Retrieved Jan. 29, 2015, from


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