

Here is a reminder for anyone that may be struggling right now. You are enough. 

It is important to remember that you have to give yourself credit for what you ARE doing, as opposed to thinking negatively about what you are not doing.   If we focus completely on the negatives of our situations, it may feel like we are never good enough, never pretty enough, never smart enough, never happy enough, etc.  However, this is all relative, and measured based on opinion.  

When thinking about Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences (see more here), one can see that there are so many different ways to be "smart".  So, to assume that you are not smart because you score highly on musical intelligence as opposed to logical-mathematical, is simply a matter of opinion and what you place value in.  We must learn to recognize our own strengths and see the positives within ourselves, and not compare outwardly to the strengths of others.  

When we are able to stop comparing ourselves with others, not only do we experience inner peace by truly accepting ourselves, but we also feel less threatened by others.   In a time where the world is chaotic, and afraid, it would do everyone good to work on their inner peace, in order to promote more outward peace.  Why does a bully tease others? To make themselves feel less vulnerable and "appear" confident.  So why not create actual confidence by learning to become comfortable with ourselves and who we are. 

Let's start focusing on how we are enough

Let's recognize our personal strengths, and learn to love the person we see in the mirror.  

Let's face it, the way we treat others, clearly starts from the inside with how we feel about ourselves.  So let's start at the root of the cause, and learn to love ourselves so we can begin to truly love others. 

Be nice to yourself today, and prepare to see the change! 

-Lauren D. 


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